Life as a rabbit


Rabbits have lots of babies. Rabbits can have multiple litters each year, giving birth to up to nine bunnies, known as “kittens,” each time. In the wild, they're born helpless in a hole lined with grass and their mamma's fur.With rabbits, a common myth is that if you touch a baby rabbit the mother will no longer care for it. 9 times out of 10, the mother will return to care for the babies after they have been handled. Second, baby bunnies don't have much of a scent to predators. However, the mother rabbit does have a scent so be careful and if you do not know this before, and your friends told you, they need better education or they are not real friends.

new rabbit

Young Life

Bunnies eyes open in 6-10 days, and in three weeks they are weaned. At this age, they are about as round as a banana, and they may explore the world outside of the nest but return there to sleep. They are not ignored by the mother but stay with the family group until four or five weeks of age. Since the bunnies start eating solid food between the 11 and the 14 days, they continue to grow and may be weaned as early as 4 weeks after birth. Weaning simply means taking them away from their mother.

young rabbit

Mid Life

At around 7 months old, your rabbit should be introduced to timothy hay and you should start limiting the amount of alfalfa hay you are feeding your rabbit. Timothy hay provides your rabbit with nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and unlike alfalfa hay, it will not make your rabbit gain weight. During this time in your rabbit’s life, your rabbit will become fully mature and he or she might be a little moody. This is the time in your rabbit’s life when they are trying to figure out how they fit in with the surrounding animals, much like a teenager might be figuring out where they fit in with their group of friends. At this time in a rabbit’s life, it is very common that he or she will spend much of their time exercising and roaming around the house. Make sure you keep your bunny safe by rabbit-proofing your house. Rabbits tend to become a little less active by the time they reach 5-7 years of age. It is said that rabbits also become more affectionate during this period and they will start to trust you more.

mid rabbit

Old Life

While some rabbits tend to still be very active at this old age, it isn’t uncommon to see your rabbit calming down quite a lot. At this age, rabbits tend to really trust their owners and they like to spend a good amount of time around people. It is said the older rabbits get, the more time they want to spend with people. Make sure to keep up with your rabbit care and ensure that you are spending some quality time with your rabbit in order to keep it as happy and healthy as you can.

link to stuff about rabbits as seniors

old rabbit


A rabbits death is very sad in many way. If you have had your rabbit for a long time it is sad because you have a mental conection. If it died young it is a baby and that is really sad because it is young. If you got it and it is middle aged it is still really sad but not as bad. Here are some ways to cope by Coping With Pet Loss: Grieving The Death of Your Rabbit Acknowledge your grief and allow yourself to express it. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others to talk about it/listen to you. Pet Partners provides a list of pet-loss hotlines for those who are grieving over the loss of a pet. Jot your feelings down on a piece of paper, in a journal or in a blog. Have a memorial/funeral for your pet as closure.


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